Pedro Martinez has left a legacy on the mound that few pitchers will ever match; however, it’s off the field where the Boston icon hopes to leave an even bigger impact. rough the Pedro Martinez Foundation (, the former Red Sox ace helps at-risk youth and their families in his native Dominican Republic and the United States, offering a variety of outreach initiatives and educational programs. “For my legacy, I want to leave something that makes a statement,” Martinez says. “I know we’re going to pass and we’re going to go away, but many kids are going to benefit from what we’re leaving behind.”
Providing opportunities to those in need is personal for Martinez, as he experienced the perils of poverty firsthand while watching his mother and father struggle to raise their six children. “at is something that I don’t want to see any other kid go through,” Martinez says. “I’m so thankful for my career and the things I’m able to do, and for being in a position to give back. I won’t stop until I do as much as I can.”
Martinez, along with his wife, Carolina, have done much with the foundation already, most notably building e Community Center in the Dominican Republic.The charter school-style facility aids disadvantaged kids, offering a holistic approach to education by incorporating everything from classrooms and seminars to athletic and artistic opportunities. The foundation also recently opened an office in Boston, expanding its reach to communities here in Massachusetts. “It’s a really exciting time,” says Carolina. “We can be a blessing to both the population in the Dominican Republic of kids and teenagers, but also here in this area.”
Martinez hopes to continue growing the foundation so he can impact even more people around the globe. “I never wanted to be seen like the baseball player,” says Martinez. “I don’t want to be seen by the numbers and the trophies. I want to be seen as a sign of hope.”