Committee Member: Matt Roan

Matt Roan

Chicago - DJ

This sought-after DJ, a stylish nightlife presence, is also excited about a new role this autumn, as Room Dad at his daughter’s school. “I don’t think there are enough Room Dads,” he says. He loves the flexibility his career provides him, a fact which also contributes to his sharp tennis game. He loves his Apple Watch, and chocolate chip cookies, and was fortunate enough to see Stevie Wonder perform Songs in the Key of Life which was, he says, “incredible.”


Any notes on your education?

A proud graduate of DePaul University… a Catholic school with a demon as a mascot.

Best vacation ever?

As a kid, Kauai, Hawaii. As an adult, a recent trip to the south of France.

Dream trip destination?

Swiss Alps or Thailand… opposite ends of the spectrum.

Favorite dinner?

Pretty much anything made on my grill.

Underrated food?

I’ve gotten HEAVY into Indian food of late. I know it’s not underrated globally… but I hadn’t given it it’s fair shake until far too recently.

Dish you’re best at cooking?

Chicken Fried Rice.

Favorite bands?

PRINCE, Junior Boys, Hercules And Love Affair, The Exploding Hearts, Tame Impala.

Car you drive now?

Scion XB baby!!!

Car you’d like to drive?

Anything quieter than the Scion… the noise is deafening. Would love a Tesla S.

Summer drink of choice?


Winter drink of choice?

G & T.

Bourbon or Scotch?


On a Saturday, your favorite errand to run is?

Saturday is my busiest work day, but on a tuesday, definitely Home Depot to make something of our back yard.

Best work advice you ever got?

Charge double… you’ll work half as much and make the same amount. It kinda worked!