Helmed by renowned artisan chocolatier Antoine Amrani, who was formerly executive pastry chef at Le Bec-Fin, Ardmore’s Delice et Chocolat is the go-to destination for all things perfectly Parisian. Amrani is the embodiment of a true chocolate artisan, and each of his painstakingly precise culinary treats shows his true flair for finding that divine line between beauty and taste. “I’m committed to continuing the traditions we grew up with in France, using the highest-quality ingredients and, when possible, only organic and sustainable,” he says. For the holidays, choose from a chocolatey bûche de noel; the sticky-sweet croquembouche; or seasonal macarons in flavors such as honey ginger, chai and caramel. Add a unique touch to your holiday table with Delice’s version of Osaka cake. Similar to a fluffy layer cake, the traditional treat hails from Japan. Amrani adds his Parisian panache to the sweet by using only the highest-quality matcha powder and sublime gold leaf shavings as the pièce de résistance. 9 E. Lancaster Ave., delicechocolat.com