Committee Member: Christian Pope

Christian Pope

Houston - Mailman and Events Marketer

Christian Pope is not your average mailman. Hailing from Texas, Pope's eclectic lifestyle ranges far beyond delivering your bills and letters. When he is not working for the United States Postal Service, Pope is marketing for different events around Houston working with Landmark Houston Hospitality Group and WAXAHOLICS. Pope's life philosophy is to live every day like it's his last, which may explain why his definition of luxury is simply doing what he loves to do in his free time.



Galveston, TX.

Place you call home now (neighborhood etc)

Stafford, TX.

Any notes on your education?

University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Favorite sport to watch?


Favorite sport to play?


Best vacation ever?

Cancun, Mexico.

Favorite dinner?


Favorite dessert?

Chocolate cake.

Underrated food?


Dish you’re best at cooking?


Road trip -- three in the car with you. Living or dead. Who are they? Why?

Rican Mcgusty, Jarele Taylor, Michael Smith. These are my closest friends and family.

Favorite TV show as a kid?

Power Rangers.

Favorite movie?


Favorite actress and or actor?

Halle Barry - Johnny Depp.

Favorite band?

Earth, Wind & Fire.

Most impressive live performance you ever saw

Mary J. Blidge.

Car you drive now

Scion XB.


Too scared of them.

Wear a watch?

Apple Watch.

Summer drink of choice?


Winter drink of choice?

Coffee, I'm sober.


Yves Saint Laurent.

Favorite beach?

Galveston Beach. It’s 45 mins from my house.

On a Saturday, your favorite errand to run is:

Nike outlet store.

Otherwise, you’ll be busy doing what?

Watching College football.

Best work advice you ever got?

Always have a good attitude and leave your personal problems at home.

Best thing about your career?

The Freedom.

Tell us something about your work and career path

Mailman is my Primary job and my secondary career is my favorite - which is marketing for different events around Houston.

Do you have any philanthropic interests/endeavors?

To help people around the globe that deal with mental health issues.